Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Smoking restriction July 1?

just hear of it.. what is it all more or less.. we already can not smoke in reasturant.. bar.. bingo halls.. etc. anyone get a link or can recount me what i am missing on this subject.. beside the nictoineSmoking restriction July 1?
ok, no smoknig in public including
work places
work cars/vans
train stations
and many other places Im afraid. Its gonna be mighty difficult!! you can obverse on the spot fines too.
Only place to smoke is in the street (which I believe they are looking to refusal too) and at home
You can smoke outdoors or in your home. You cannot smoke anywhere else - spell.
Hi. I'm Irish and we've had a smoking order here for a few years now. It's a disgrace. You own to leave a so call "public house" to smoke. You feel similar to a leper. I'm surprised the English are going to tolerate this nazism and affront to civil liberties. Where is it adjectives going to end? If Ireland is anything to step by, say goodbye to appointment your friends in the pub. Over 600 hundred pubs contained by rural Ireland have closed and more will follow. People stay at home instead and enjoy a puff. Well done the health crowd, bring stern Hitler. Why can't people choose between smoking and non-smoking pubs?

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