Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sore Muscles! How do I know if it is torn or only sore?

Yesterday, I did weight-lifting from 10-1; then practiced softball from 6-9. Today I can only just walk, it hurts to stand, sit; Laying still is okay, but I still surface pain within my left quad and right hamstring. The distress is not getting any better and I have taken ibuprofen, iced, and tried a heat pack. Could my quad be torn? I cannot bend it and have be walking with a shuffle today. I have practice tomorrow morning. Should I tough it out or stay surrounded by bed? Thanks!Sore Muscles! How do I know if it is torn or only sore?
You definitely over did -it. You might own stretched a tendon or ligament, and you've manifestly torn muscles. To the best of your ability (and minus hurting yourself!--listen to your body and don't hurt it more), try to walk around a bit, stretch and move your muscles. that will heat them up and, it's been my esperience, make well you faster. I would not recommend practicing tomorrow, as you could do serious damage to yourself if a ligament or muscle is torn. If it continues for and doesn't get better contained by another couple of days, see a doctor.
Sounds a little too sore not to be injured! There isn't deeply you can do if it is torn! Take Aleve and try not to utilize the muscle very much, take a few days to a week to heal!
Well. im contained by school to be a work therapist, and final month we discussed muscles and I finished first in my class so i suggest i know a litle about this. Your hamstring, aka ITB (ilioltibial band) is located on the outside of the upper leg, if it is hurting 9 times out of 10 u probably just pulled it and its sore. If you tore it, u would know it, because the aching would be unbearable. Give it a couple of days, if you instigate to notice any swelling, inability to waddle or stand or numbness, i would suggest seeing a doctor. Good Luck

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