Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Someone told me sleeping is a bleak habbit, why is that?

Someone told me sleeping is a bleak habbit, why is that?
sleeping is a bad way because it makes you exceedingly lazy. trust me i know.. i used to sleep more than 15 hours a daytime.. i stopped school didnt move about no place because all i did be sleep and ate and went to the bathroom and that made me tremendously lazy... but i overcame that though and claimed my energy back... although sleep is biddable for u... TOO MUCH is not
Excessive sleeping is bad. But sleeping for 8 hours a time is a very upright thing for your robustness. No sleeping is definately fatal.
because u can miss alot of stuff close to ur favorite tv show
Well sleeping a lot is a impossible habit for reason already written.
Sleeping in nonspecific is necessary for existence, but it would be very spruce if there be a way we could rest/heal our bodies in need sleeping since it wastes 1/3 of our afternoon. That person be probably just self funny, but in a process it is true that sleeping is a waste of time, but it's something we enjoy to do until we find a better way.

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