Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sometimes my Urine smells approaching Tuna, does anyone have an explanation?

Sometimes my Urine smells approaching Tuna, does anyone have an explanation?
It's the ammonia you smell. You are dehydrated. More fluids for you.
if we drink satisfactory water,the urine shouldn't smell=maybe you have tuna that day ,or it's the instrument you smell when not enough fluid is consumed
You involve to drink more fluids.
SICK!! I broke up with my ex-boyfriend because he smelled similar to tuna sometimes. I called him Tunadick.
sound's similar to you may have too much sugar. Get checked for diabetes..
Sounds similar to an infection. or it's something you're eating.
Asparagus for example can create your pee smell horrible.
do you eat deeply of tuna?
not same here sometimes mnes smells like sweetcorn but i ruminate ot might of been a urine infection possibly that's what you have speak to your doctor around it good luck.
if it is brown yellow or red you are dehydrated, if blond yellow and still smells of tuna it is something you ate.
or check out this site - you will screech!
That's weird mine sometimes smells similar to chocolate cake and other times like Cheetos.

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