Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sunburned but freezing.?

I have fruitless sunburn, and i hear its good to embezzle a cold shower, then use aloe vera... all right im absolutely freezing cold! should i still filch a cold shower??Sunburned but freezing.?
No.Take the hottest shower you can bear. Hot marine is better for bad sunburn, as it take some of the sting out. See if you can get someCammomile lotion or soothing lotion from your chemist.Ooh! I can grain it from here. Ouch!
I recently have a VERY bad sunburn on my frontage and a cold shower really didnt help me. But oatmeal help if you use uncooked oatmeal and put it on the sunburnt nouns for a few minutes then wipe up it off. If that doesnt work melt tea helps. apply it to the sunburn, agree to it soak in and rinse it off when ever...hope you grain better!
Good Luck!
P.S. Aloe always works too:)
i expect that the cold shower would only supply to the illusion of helping your sunburn, a bit than actually physically fixing it. it would cool down your skin, which probably feel hot and bothered right now.
because of this, the shower is superfluous, but I still recomend aloe vera, and then latter lotion. the aloe also provides a cooling feeling on your skin, but it will not affect your core warmth. the lotion will moisturize your skin, make it softer, and hopefully back with any itching subsequently on.
hope you feel better, and don't perceive the need to appropriate a cold shower. :)
Forget showers, hot or cold. Your skin is allready dehydrated and wet will just dry you out more. My personal fav is Aveeno unscented(fragrance free) lotion mixed 1/2 and 1/2 near aloe gel. Make sure the aloevera gel is alcohol free. Good luck.

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