Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Smoking debar?

how are you all coping next to the ban i lone smoke when i drink but do u agree its alot better when u walk into pubs lolSmoking debar?
I HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT...I guess because I'm a smoker too if they don't want to be around smoke within a bar don't come.smoking and have a beer go mitt in foot..that's my opinion..
I surmise it is B.S. that some cities restrict smoking even in a block. That means the owner cannot even hold a say-so in it. If you do not approaching smoke, don't go within. If you choose to not allow smoking in your place, that should be up to the owner. I soak up a smoke if I drink, not always but sometimes I do. I give attention to it's strange when those rights are taken away from the owners of the establishment.
how can anyone drink at a place where here is no smoking?!
i mean i smoke and i cant even walk to restuarants that are non-smoking.
it's all bullshit. I don`t know they should make pubs alcohol-free while they are at it...fuckin idiots
At my available job people still smoke,freshly try to hide it.The erea's still stink!Seems not a soul can smoke one or two they have to smoke the unharmed carton!I now enjoy an alergy to cigarette smoke.Some of my friends smoke but they respect people that don't smoke.I deduce thats where the dash was drawn.People that don't smoke don't want to smell it!People hold the right to smoke granted.Just please not under our nose!I used to smoke but had to quit.I couldn't breath!
i'm an ex-smoker so i if truth be told like that in that is no smoking in bar (less of a chance of me picking one up surrounded by my drunken stupidness), but it wouldn't be a huge deal to me if near was smoking. i other go outside next to my smoker friends when they smoke anyways.

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