Friday, October 15, 2010

Sickness ask?

My cousin is sick with diarhea, and I be wondering if there be any good cures or home remedies to help yourself to. I'm pretty sure she has a confusion too. I told her to take wet, but I'm not sure if that helps or make it worse. Answers are greatly needed!Sickness ask?
Water is VERY important, because you lose profusely of water next to diarrhea. It will not make things worse. Usually it resolves itself contained by a day or 2. Wholewheat bread may relief. If it doesn't go away, the best entry is to see a doctor to see if there isn't something cause the diarrhea that your cousin needs to see out for.
Amodium AD, it's amazing! I'ts just an over the counter drug, but adjectives you need is one dose and your fixed! Great stuff!
She requests to drink water so she doesn't carry dehydrated. If she have a fever she should bear some tylenol. There are medicines for diarrhea but I would dally and see how long it lasts first, it might freshly go away on its own.
I don`t know you should try pep-to bismol. I had diarhea for 5 days and i took pepto bismol and drank lots of hose, it went away the subsequent day.

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