Friday, October 15, 2010

Sickle Cell..I own a mixed daughter (I'm white, dad is black...)?

Last week my daughter had to own some blood tests done because she have surgery this week. I found out today that her Red Blood Cell count is a little low, which money anemia. The doctor wants her to help yourself to a multivitamin. So, as I was doing rather research I found something on sickle cell anemia. Does a low red blood count indicate sickle cell? Should I have her tested for it?Sickle Cell..I own a mixed daughter (I'm white, dad is black...)?
There are heaps reasons for low RBC count, it could be a symptom for Sickle Cell, but your doctor should hold known to testing for the disease in a black child. You should patently test for it. It is unlikely that she have the disese, because both parents have to be carrier, and as a white woman, you are not likely to be a haulier. But it is important to know if she is a haulier, because it will be important when she is of child-bearing age.
Talk to your doctor and dicuss it beside him, because it is a strong possibility
See if this website helps:
SCROLL DOWN to the piece on anemia. It states Anemia is common within all individuals next to sickle cell disease. Even though a child's usual blood count is quite low, this cause few if any real problems.
Hope the article help.

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