Friday, October 15, 2010

Should I smoke a unified surrounded by memory of the great British boozer?

Should I smoke a unified surrounded by memory of the great British boozer?
yes, but when you've had a few tokes, you'll probably forget what you are smoking surrounded by memory of...
what does that mean?
Yeah can I enjoy some - its been years and years since i toked!
Do you really necessitate an excuse?
I smoke one every evening in memory of my s hit time at work
yes go for it :)
Pass that blunt over here!! Bogart!!
To answer your q, yes!!
RIP The Great British Boozer
I give attention to you're gonna smoke one anyway, there doesn't want to be an occasion. Just spark it up. Can I obtain seconds on that, please.
Yes, but outside.
Why not, I won't hold to breath it in, the smoke clogged pub is inert, long life a smoke free pub! Number of meal I've had to survive with lung fulls of smoke!
Like my friends other say. Grab that..ummmm..uhhhh... it 4:20 but???
sure.. and another one..and another one..and.. another one!!
Pass the cutchie pon de left appendage side.
In Scotland after the smoking ban pubs if truth be told saw an increase in sale
Yes, why not.

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