Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Silica Gel within Jelly Beans?

I have be eating from a bottle of jelly beans for something like a week. Today when I shook the bottle I found a pack of Silica Gel in the bottom.
Is it still ok to chomp through them?Silica Gel within Jelly Beans?
Your Jelly Beans should be safe. But if you are unsure, of late throw them out, it isn't worth the risk. Washing them would just be paid them sticky and yucky.
Silica gel is a granular, porous form of silica made synthetically from sodium silicate. Despite the name, silica gel is a solid.
Silica gel is most commonly encounter in everyday energy as beads busy in a semi-permeable plastic. In this form, it is used as a desiccant to control local humidity contained by order to avoid spoilage of some stock. Because of poisonous dopants (see below) and their very big absorption of moisture, silica gel packet usually bear warning for the user not to eat the contents, but to throw them away instead. If consumed, the pure silica gel is unlikely to effect acute or chronic illness, but would be problematic nonetheless. However, some package desiccants may include fungicide and/or pesticide poisons. It is not known whether these would be written off as specifically. Food-grade desiccant should not include any poisons which would cause long-term injure to humans if consumed in the quantity normally included beside the items of food.
Silica Gel is used in toothpaste and other household products.
silica gel removes dampen...if the gel was still are not in much be safe and sound..wash and repack adjectives the beans..dont wash too much or the beans will lose their fun...
remove silica gel and verbs the bottle/jar..not much harm is done to you..incase you get the impression weird..a mild laxative is suitable enough for some nouns..or visit the doctor if problem persist..
this is a very homely remedy..

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